No longer are mild ales confined to the small towns of England. Once a designation for an entire class of beers, mild ale now refers to a beer style some describe as the "elixir of life for the salt of the earth".
Mild is a beer that can be at once light or dark, very low or very high in alcohol, and either rich in dark malt flavor or light and crips with a touch of hop flavor and aroma.
The mild ale recipes included offer a wide range of interpretations for a style that has unparalleled flexibility.
The Classic Beer Style Series from Brewers Publications examines individual world-class beer styles, covering origins, history, sensory profiles, brewing techniques and commercial examples.
Available in eBook format - Kindle, NOOK
Author: David Sutula
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Brewers Publications
ISBN: 0-937381-68-3
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 7.5 inches